Mr. Gokul Vignesh Kanda Swamy
Mr. Gokul Vignesh Kandaswamy completed his initial years of training in India, including a formal Urology training program and he worked there as a Junior Consultant before moving to the UK. Initially based in the West Midlands and then Leeds, he came to Wales in 2015 to take up an Oncology fellowship in Cardiff. Through all of these training roles, he was privileged to train under some of the best known and most respected Urologists both in India and the UK. In 2016, he was appointed by Swansea Bay University Health Board in Swansea as a Consultant Urological Surgeon, for providing Pelvic oncology services to both Swansea Bay University Health Board and Hywel Dda UHB patients. He specialises in prostate and bladder cancers and performs cystectomies and both open and Robotic Prostatectomies, for which he has an honorary consultant contract with Cardiff and Vale University HB.
Diploma in Laparoscopic Surgery - Feb 2014
University of Strasbourg, France.
FRCS Ed(Urol - November 2012
Intercollegiate Specialty Exit Examination in Urology, UK.
DNB (URO) - Jan 2007 – Dec 2009
Superspecialty surgical degree from National Board of Examinations, New Delhi, India.
DNB (Gen Surg) - May 2005
Postgraduate Surgical degree from National Board of Examinations, New Delhi, India.
MRCSEd(Gen Surg) - April 2005
Postgraduate diploma obtained from The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. UK.
MS (Gen Surg) - July 2001 – August 2004
Postgraduate Surgical degree obtained from The Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai, India.
MBBS - August 1994 – February 2000
Basic Medical Degree from the Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai, India.
Consultant Urological Surgeon with special interest in Pelvic Oncology
- Robotic Prostatectomy as ‘in reach’ service in Cardiff.
- Open Prostatectomy & Cystectomy with continent & non continent urinary diversions.
- Total pelvic exenteration – joint procedures with colorectal, gynecology and plastic surgery colleagues
- BMA accredited Local Negotiating committee (LNC) staff member for SBUHB.
- Surgical rep for Consent to Treatment committee for SBUHB
Academic and Research activities
- Part of many multicentric trials including role as Principal Investigator – Add-Aspirin, ARAMIS, PHOTO, OPEN
- Member of Welsh Advocacy & Policy Focus group of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
- Research projects in collaboration with Swansea University and other researchers across the country.
- Deputy Lead, Urology Cancer site group (CSG), in developing pathways for WCN.
- Welsh Research lead, working with Wales Cancer Network (WCN) & NCRI
- PLAB Examiner for General Medical Council
Teaching role
- Postgraduate Tutor, The University of Edinburgh for ChM programme
- Faculty for Urology Boot camp, national level Urology Simulation training programme for newly appointed Specialist Registrars
- Faculty for FRCS (Urol) viva courses
- Clinical Supervisor for Urology trainees & Junior doctors
- Deliver Urology modules for Swansea GP trainees
Upcoming projects
- PI – Bladder path trial
- Development of Welsh National Bladder Cancer Audit as CSG dep lead
- Development of Welsh Cancer Networks national standards for cancer data collection
- Elected as Chair of Welsh Urological Society, BAUS regional rep for Wales and Welsh Royal college representative.
- Full member & on specialist register – GMC
- Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, UK
- Full member, British Association of Urological Surgeons
- British Medical Association
- European Urological Association - Active International member
- International Member, American Urological Association. AUA
- Member – Endourology Society
- Member – Welsh Urological Society
- Permanent full member of Tamilnadu Medical Council, Chennai, India. (Governing body of medical practitioners in the state of Tamilnadu).
- Life member of Indian Medical Association
- Urological Society of India (USI) – Life member (Full)
- Association of Southern Urologists (South Zone USI) – Life member
- M Moghul, B Somani, T Lane, N Vasdev, C Peedell, G KandaSwamy, B Rai. Detection Rates with 68Gallium (Ga)-Labelled Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) Scan significantly better than Choline PET Scans in men with recurrent prostate Cancer-A Systematic Review. Ther Adv Urol. 2019 Jan-Dec; 11: 1756287218815793.
- KandaSwamy GV, Randhawa KS, Dhanasekaran AK. Migrated Macroplastique in bladder wall – ‘Mickey Mouse’ sign in MRI. J Clin Urol. 2017 doi:10.1177/2051415817707690
- KandaSwamy GV,Bennett A, Narahari K, Hughes O, Rees J, Kynaston H. Establishing the pathways and indications for performing isotope bone scans in newly diagnosed intermediate-risk localised prostate cancer – results from a large contemporaneous cohort. BJU Int. 2017 doi:10.1111/bju.13850
- KandaSwamy GV,Viswaroop B,Elangovan A, Arul M,Kandasami SV, Gopalakrishnan G. An unusual double fungal infection of Bladder due to candida & cladosporium. African Journal of Urology. 2015 Sept 21; 198-200
- KandaSwamyGV, Dhanasekaran AK, Elangovan A, John B, Viswaroop B, Vedanayagam KS. Randomized Double Blinded Placebo Controlled Trial Comparing Diclofenac and Piroxicam in Management of Acute Renal Colic and Its Clinical Implications. Urol J. 2015 Apr 29;12(2):2069-2073
- John B, Vignesh G,Ananthakumar D, Viswaroop SB, Kandasami SV. Two cases of Urinoma following forced hydration in Ureteric colic. J Indian Med Assoc. 2008 Jul;106(7):462
- Singal AK, Vignesh KG, Paul S, Matthai J. Antenatally diagnosed ovarian cyst with torsion managed laparoscopically. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2008; 13:28-9
- Singal AK,Vignesh KG, Matthai J. Acute Gastric Volvulus Secondary to Eventration of the Diaphragm in A Child. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2006 Jan-Mar 11: 44-46
- Kandaswamy GV, Kumar ST, Jeyasingh R. Acute abdomen due to eosinophilic colitis with liver abscess.Indian J Gastroenterol 2006;25:208-9
Abstract Publications
- KandaSwamy GV,James B, David R, Bose P. Could Hematuria Be Considered as a Marker for Non Urological Malignancies? World Journal of Urology. 2018 Oct; 36(S1): 209
- RA David, B James, P Bose, GV KandaSwamy.Is Computerized Tomography Urography superior to Ultrasound for upper urinary tract evaluation in a one-stop Haematuria clinic setting? J Endourol. 2018 Sept; 32(S2): A466.
- GV KandaSwamy,K Narahari, H Kynaston. Rationalising Bone Scan usage in prostate cancer staging – A nationwide audit of BAUS Radical Prostatectomy (RP) database. J Endourol. 2018 Sept; 32(S2): A287
- Gokul Vignesh Kandaswamy, Adam Bennett, John Rees, Krishna Narahari, Owen Hughes, Howard Kynaston. Could MRI replace bone scanning in newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients with suspected metastases? Indian J Urol. 2016 Jan; 32(S1): S48.
- Gokul Vignesh Kandaswamy,Asad Abedin, Kuo Jong Ho, Aniruddha Chakravarti. Increasing the number and pattern of cores in standard TRUS biopsy yields comparable results as compared to MRI-TRUS fusion biopsy. Indian J Urol. 2016 Jan; 32(S1): S48-49.
- G V Kanda Swamy,A Bennett, K Narahari, O Hughes, J Rees, H Kynaston. Staging bone scans in clinically localised intermediate risk prostate cancer – a comparison of outcomes from a large UK cohort compared with standard international guidelines. J Endourol. 2015 Oct;29(S1): P1-A73
- GV Kanda Swamy,A Shripat, H Ibrahim, S Phillips, M Nair, BD Sarmah, RS Jaganathan, S Morris. Gentamicin resistance mirrors increased Ciprofloxacin resistance but multidrug resistance does not necessarily translate as increased infection and sepsis rates after TRUS biopsy. J Endourol. 2015 Oct;29(S1): P1-A118-A119
- GV Kanda Swamy,A Elangovan, B Viswaroop, A Dhanasekaran, A Myilswamy, B John, G Gopalakrishnan, K Sangam Vedanayagam. Height:Width Ratio – a novel parameter in predicting outcome after Transurethral resection of prostate – a pilot study. J Endourol. 2015 Oct;29(S1): P1-A182.
- GV Kanda Swamy,R Hughes, O Hughes, K Narahari, H Kynaston. Prolonged console time during robotic prostatectomy increases estimated blood loss in the initial experience with daVinci Xi machine. J Endourol. 2015 Oct;29(S1): P1- A186
SIU – 2018 – Seoul. ePoster presentation – 4-8 Oct 2018
Could Hematuria Be Considered as a Marker for Non Urological Malignancies?
G KandaSwamy, R David, B James, P Bose
WCE – 2018 – Paris. Poster presentations – 20 – 23 Sept 2018
- Is computerised Tomography Urography superior to Ultrasound for Upper urinary tract evaluation in a one stop Hematuria clinic setting?
R David, B James, P Bose, G KandaSwamy - Rationalising Bone Scan usage in prostate cancer staging – A nationwide audit of BAUS Radical Prostatectomy (RP) database
G KandaSwamy, K Narahari, H Kynaston
Welsh Urology Society Annual Meeting, Llandrindod, Jan 2018
- BCG treatment for “highest risk” non muscle-invasive bladder cancer in a tertiary centre; should these patients be treated differently?
Ellul T, James B. Bose P, Kandaswamy G - A success story; a South Wales experience of pre-cystectomy NAC in MIBC treatment
J Hayes, A Ahmed, M Jefferies, S Roushias, G KandaSwamy, P Bose, J Wilson, A Carter
Spring Meeting of Welsh Urology & South West Urology societies meeting, May 2016, Chepstow, Wales.
Anterior urethral stricture after Robotic Assisted Prostatectomy - A significant problem with a simple solution
GV Kandaswamy, A Bennett, N Alzate, J Ravi, J Featherstone, J Wilson, N Fenn, H Kynaston, K Narahari
USICON 2016, Hyderabad, India – Jan 2016 – Vijayawada Best poster prize session - Runner Up Award
- Increasing the number and pattern of cores in standard TRUS biopsy yields comparable results as compared to MRI-TRUS fusion biopsy
GV KandaSwamy, A Abedin, KJ Ho, A Chakravarti, - Could MRI replace bone scanning in newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients with suspected metastases?
G V Kanda Swamy, A Bennett, J Rees, K Narahari, O Hughes, H Kynaston
Welsh Urology Society 2015, Hensol Castle, Cardiff
- Should an isotope bone scan be performed in the staging of D’Amico classified intermediate risk prostate cancers?
G V Kanda Swamy, A Bennett, K Narahari, O Hughes, J Rees, H Kynaston - Audit of Robotic Prostatectomy in South Wales
GV KandaSwamy, N Alzate, J Ravi, N Fenn, J Featherstone, J Wilson, H Kynaston, K Narahari
WCE 2015 – Moderated posters presented in Oct 2015 in London
- MP9-21 Staging bone scans in clinically localised intermediate risk prostate cancer – a comparison of outcomes from a large UK cohort compared with standard international guidelines
G V Kanda Swamy, A Bennett, K Narahari, O Hughes, J Rees, H Kynaston - MP15-15 Gentamicin resistance mirrors increased Ciprofloxacin resistance but multidrug resistance does not necessarily translate as increased infection and sepsis rates after TRUS biopsy
GV Kanda Swamy, A Shripat, H Ibrahim, S Phillips, M Nair, BD Sarmah, RS Jaganathan, S Morris - MP24-2 Height: Width Ratio – a novel parameter in predicting outcome after Transurethral resection of prostate – a pilot study
GV Kanda Swamy, A Elangovan, B Viswaroop, A Dhanasekaran, A Myilswamy, B John, G Gopalakrishnan, K Sangam Vedanayagam - MP25-2 Prolonged console time during robotic prostatectomy increases estimated blood loss in the initial experience with da Vinci Xi machine
GV Kanda Swamy, R Hughes, O Hughes, K Narahari, H Kynaston
USICON 2010,
- ‘Which parameter correlates best with severity of LUTS in patients undergoing TURP?
Prospective study’ - Invited papers from Zonal Conferences. - 'Hidden Stones' – Video presentation of RIRS – presented in Best Video session.
SZUSICON – 2009,
‘Which parameter correlates best with severity of LUTS in patients undergoing TURP?
Prospective study’ – WINNER of Dr. N. Sethuraman best paper award.
SZUSICON – 2008,
‘Randomised double blind placebo-controlled trial comparing Diclofenac and Piroxicam in Management of Acute Colic’ – RUNNER UP in Dr. N. Sethuraman best paper session.
- Hydatid Of Kidneys & Adrenals – A Review
- Transverse Colon Volvulus – Case Report
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